Houseplants That Can Live in Water

5 Apr 2022

It is well known that many houseplants traditionally grow in soil, however, did you know that a few plants can grow in water too? Numerous houseplants are genetically programmed to form roots in water.

There are plenty of reasons why you should grow your houseplant in water. First of all, it isn’t messy as you aren’t dealing with any dirt or soil.

The houseplants will also require less care since you won’t be worrying about when or how often to water your plant. The best part is that you won’t need to set up any complicated hydroponics system either!

Another great reason to grow a plant in water is the flexibility that it provides you. You’ll be able to pick a colorful vase or your favorite jar to place your plant in. Furthermore, you can pick the ideal location in your home.

There are tons of plants to choose from when it comes to decorating your home. So in this article, we’ll be listing the array of houseplants that thrive and prosper in water.

1. Philodendron

This wide genus of houseplants isn’t just grown as a potted plant, but it can sprout new growth in water too. The Philodendron can be left to grow in water permanently, however, you will need to add fresh water every 7 to 10 days.

Get out a sterilized pair of pruners and cut off a healthy-looking stem, and fill a jar with water up to 1 inch (2.5cm) below the rim. You will then take this stem and position it in the glass or jar. It’s a good idea that you trim the roots down every now and then.

Top tip: You may be tempted to use cool water, however, room temperature water is best. The roots may become stressed as cold water will shock the plant.

2. Orchid

The Orchidaceae is found in stunning vases of water across the globe. You can’t help but want to scatter the orchid blooms throughout your home.

Once you have snipped off a stem with a flower then you can pluck off the leaves attached to the lower half of the cutting. Fill your vase or glass jar with room temperature and clean water. You only need enough water to cover the roots of the cutting.

Top tip: You will need to replace the water at least once a week or when it is cloudy. This is important when it comes to preventing a build-up of bacteria that may infect your plant.

3. Gardenia

The gardenia’s blooms look amazing in a vase. These silky white flowers make for the perfect centerpiece in your dining room or entertainment area.

Your gardenia needs to be mature before you cut off a stem. Use a sterilized blade to snip off a cutting and place it in a vase of lukewarm water. It’s important that at least 2 inches (5cm) of the stem is submerged in the water.

Top tip: You can encourage rapid root growth by adding liquid plant food to the water.

4. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus doesn’t just make for a fantastic addition to your floral arrangement but it’s also a natural insect repellent too. The plant can be grown in water for about one month before it will begin to wither away.

Simply snip off a eucalyptus stem and dip the cut end in some rooting hormone. Now, you can add it to your floral arrangement or place the stems in their own glass of water.

5. Caladium

A caladium is yet another genus of houseplant that can be grown in water too. The tubers will actually thrive and show off lush foliage in this environment too.

Before you position the cutting in a glass or vase filled with filtered water, you’ll need to make sure that it’s healthy. You can keep the plant healthy by replacing the water once every seven days and locating it under full or partial shade.

Top tip: Filtered or distilled water is preferable for this houseplant and many others too. The chlorine and other chemicals in regular tap water can damage the roots and foliage.

6. Baby’s Tears Plant

The Soleirolia genus produces lush, green, and bushy growth. All this plant needs is some fresh and clean water then you’ll be able to watch new root and foliage growth.

After you have filled a vase or jar with lukewarm water, you will need to cut off a stem just below the leaf node. Before placing this cutting in its new home, you must pinch off the leaves attached at the bottom of it.

You can speed up the growth it produces by covering the bottom of the stem with a rooting hormone.

7. Impatiens Plant

The impatiens walleriana doesn’t just look great as a potted plant but looks fantastic when grown in a vase of water too. In fact, it absolutely adores water.

Towards the end of its active growing season, you can cut a stem and overwinter it in a jar of water. To avoid the water becoming murky quickly, make sure to pluck off any leaves that may become submerged under the water.

Fun fact: The impatiens houseplant will even develop into a new mature plant when it’s placed in water.

8. Lucky Bamboo

A lucky bamboo houseplant can be grown in water as long as you use purified water. The dracaena sanderiana is native to wetlands so it loves water.

When placed in water, this houseplant has fairly low care requirements, but the only issue is that it may become top-heavy. This is why it’s best to add a bottom layer of pebbles to the container.

Once you have prepared the vase or jar, then you can cut off the stem at the base of the mother plant and put it in the vase.

Fun fact: The lucky bamboo plant isn’t actually bamboo at all, however, it does produce hardy, woody stalks.

9. Spiderwort Plant

The tradescantia genus includes houseplants that produce colorful foliage which looks stunning in a glass jar. It’ll even produce offsets that can form even more spiderwort plants.

The stem must have at least one leaf node attached to it as this is where new growth will sprout from. After a few weeks, you will notice tiny root nubs form from these leaf nodes. All you need to do is fill a new container with water, place the cutting inside it, and replace the water every couple of days.

10. Arrowhead Plant

An arrowhead plant’s botanical name is syngonium podophyllum. It is a vining plant, so it’ll look great in a bowl of water as the stems will cascade over the edge.

After it is placed in water the plant will keep growing, so it’ll need to be pruned from time to time. Additionally, the water must be changed twice a week before it becomes cloudy.

11. Paperwhite Plant

The paperwhite houseplant’s botanical name is narcissus papyraceus. It’s commonly grown in water as it forces them to flower. It’s a great way to add a feel of spring to your home.

This houseplant will sprout happily in water when it’s positioned in a bright and sunny area. Find a pretty vase and fill it with filtered water. Now, you can put the bulbs in the vase and make sure that they’re fully submerged.

Top tip: The paperwhite plant may become too large for the vase and tip over. It’s best to add a layer of gravel or pebbles at the bottom of the container.

12. Moth Orchid

The Phalaenopsis species can be grown in water too and will produce roots after a few weeks. You may even need to trim the roots from time to time.

First, fill a jar or bowl with distilled and room temperature water. You can then place the moth orchid in the water and make sure its aerial roots are fully covered. It’s a great idea to place pebbles or gravel in the container to anchor the plant in place and prevent it from tipping over.

13. Aluminum Plant

The aluminum plant is scientifically known as pilea cadierei, and it sprouts vibrant, variegated gray-green foliage. It’s also a super simple houseplant to grow in water too.

All you need to do is prepare a jar with clean, filtered water. Make sure that no leaves will be covered in water, so remove all the lower-level foliage. Next, you’ll need to monitor the houseplant and replace the water once it becomes murky.

14. Mint

Mint, also known as mentha, is a great addition to your kitchen. It’ll come in pretty handy to grow mint in a glass or bowl of water as you can easily place it anywhere in your home. It’s also a fantastic mosquito repellent too.

When preparing a mentha cutting, you will need to snip off a 5 to 6 inch (13 – 15cm) long stem and remove all the leaves attached to the lower half of the cutting. Simply, place the stem in a glass of water and make sure that it receives 6 to 8 hours of bright light a day.

15. The Purple Heart Plant

The tradescantia pallida can be grown in water by adding a cutting to a glass of water. This houseplant produces gorgeous violet blooms which is why many decorate their home with the plant’s flowers.

So, you’ll need to snip off a healthy stem cutting with a leaf node. This node must then be submerged in the water for the roots to grow. The water used must be distilled and it shouldn’t be too cold either. You’ll notice new roots emerge from the node after 1 to 4 weeks.

Closing Thoughts

We’ve listed 15 houseplants that you can grow in water, and each will make for the perfect decorative piece in your home. Just remember to always change the water once it becomes murky and you will still need to place your houseplant under an adequate amount of sunlight.

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