Perfect Mandevilla Genus Guide

5 Mar 2022

The Mandevilla genus has long been a sought-after houseplant. Its beautiful, long-lasting blooms and vibrant foliage make it a stunning addition to your houseplant collection.

If you’re eager to care for and grow your own Mandevilla plant then you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll be exploring its main characteristics, how to care for it, how to grow one, as well as how to revive it should anything go wrong.

Main Features

This evergreen houseplant is native to Central America, South America, and North America. So, it loves a humid and warm environment. Its vining stems and trumpet flowers have made it a fairly popular houseplant, however, it is slightly finicky and requires precise care.

Its glossy, oval-shaped, and dark green leaves will remain healthy throughout the year when provided with the right care. The most important thing when it comes to growing a Mandevilla is its environment. Don’t worry, we’ll be explaining how to create the optimal environment in this article too.

This genus belongs to the Apocynaceae family and it is commonly referred to as the rocktrumpet. There are many different types of Mandevilla which we’ll be touching on later.

Fun fact: This genus was previously known as the Dipladenia genus, and some nurseries still use this name.

Is It an Annual or Perennial?

An annual plant is one that dies back after its active growing seasons, whereas, a perennial is a houseplant that continues to grow throughout the year. The Mandevilla is sometimes confused as an annual however it is fact a perennial.

This houseplant is a frost-tender perennial. This means that it’ll require special care during the winter if you wish to see it grow throughout the year. It cannot handle the cold and as temperatures dip below 50°F (10°C) you’ll need to make sure it is placed in a warm area.

We will explain how to care for this houseplant during the wintertime in this article too.


There are several different species of Mandevilla, and we’ll briefly describe the top five most popular ones below.

  • Mandevilla laxa: The ‘Chilean jasmine’ sprouts fragrant, white flowers. It is an avid climber and its vines can reach grow around 20 feet (6m) long.
  • Mandevilla sanderi: It is also known as the ‘Brazilian jasmine and these species produce pinky-red flowers that grow atop of woody stems. It grows quickly when positioned under full sunlight and is a great plant to cover a trellis. This houseplant can even reach a whopping 15 feet (4.5m) tall.
  • Mandevilla boliviensis: The ‘white’ Mandevilla plant is native to Central and South America. It blooms white and funnel-shaped flowers, and it can reach heights of around 3 to 10 feet (0.9 – 3m).
  • Mandevilla splendens: It grows dark green and narrow leaves, and it also shows off delicate pink flowers that turn into a deep red color.
  • Mandevilla x ‘Sunmandecrim’: This species is also commonly known as the ‘sun parasol’, and this plant can tolerate partial shade better than most other Mandevilla species. It blooms bright red flowers that grow about 5-inch (12.7cm) wide.

Fun fact: There are approximately 100 different cultivars of this stunning genus.


When grown in optimal conditions, it will reach heights between 3 to 10 feet (0.9 – 3m). It can also grow a spread of around 3 to 4 feet (0.9m- 1.2m).

Its mature size is dependent on the amount of sunshine it receives. The more sunlight it soaks in the taller it will grow.

How Fast Does It Grow?

The Mandevilla is regarded as a fast-growing houseplant. When looked after well, you can expect it to grow between 6 to 8 feet (1.8 – 2.4m) in just one growing season.

Amazing, right? If you want to see quick growth then make sure to create the ideal environment for it.

How Long Does It Live?

Typically, this houseplant won’t survive for longer than 25 years. The average rocktrumpet will live for about 10 to 15 years.

Is It Poisonous to Dogs, Cats and Humans?

We have great news! The Mandevilla genus isn’t toxic to pets or people. The houseplant may be regarded as non-toxic, however, it still isn’t an edible plant. So, you shouldn’t try to consume any part of it.

Mandevilla - size, lifespan, toxicity, growth speed (infographics)

Mandevilla Care

Now that we’ve covered its key characteristics, we can delve into how you can care for a thriving Mandevilla. We’ll discuss how to water it, maintain it, and finally how to create a suitable environment for your plant.

How Often to Water It

The houseplant should be watered regularly so that its soil is moist. Typically, it will need to be watered 1 or 2 times a week during the spring and summertime. In autumn and winter, you can water once every 7 to 10 days.

The potting mixture must be evenly moist, however, it shouldn’t be too wet. When the plant is overwatered its roots may rot and it won’t bloom.

You may have to adjust your watering schedule according to the temperature. A general rule of thumb is that the warmer it is the more water the plant requires, and the cooler it is the less water it needs.


Just like the Dracaena, the rocktrumpet must be grown in well-draining soil. When the plant becomes waterlogged it will develop a fungal infection.

Apart from using quick-draining soil, you can enhance drainage in a number of ways. You must use a pot with 3 to 5 drainage holes.

Furthermore, you can fill the bottom of the pot with gravel or sharp sand. This will allow water to drip off the roots and flow out the drainage holes.

Top tip: After watering the plant, you must empty the saucer underneath the pot. This will prevent the houseplant from sitting in a puddle and soaking up too much water.

When and How to Prune It

As the plant produces rapid growth, it will need to be pruned frequently. You should trim off overgrown and unhealthy vines once or twice a year during early spring and wintertime.

You shouldn’t prune it when it’s flowering as you may snip off the blooms or flower buds.

Take a look at the steps listed here:

  1. Water the plant a day before trimming it.
  2. Use a clean pair of scissors or shears and snip off the stems down to the main plant.
  3. If you merely want to remove unhealthy leaves, then pluck these off.
  4. Make sure to water it again if needed, and place it back in its sunny home.


The rocktrumpet needs to be transplanted every 2 to 3 years during the early springtime. When the roots begin growing through the drainage holes then you’ll need to repot it as soon as possible.

Follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Slide the plant out of its current container and brush away the excess soil clinging to the rootball.
  2. Choose a new pot and fill it one-third of the way with a fresh potting mixture.
  3. Now you can plant it at the same depth that it was in its previous pot.
  4. Water the plant well to help the roots settle.
  5. Position it back in its original home and care for it as you previously did.

How to Train Its Vines

The rocktrumpet grows long vines that love to climb. You can even train these vines to climb around a support structure or trellis.

Before you begin training its vines, you must choose the trellis and gather some fabric or plastic ties.

Take a look at the guide below:

  1. Position the trellis or support structure close to the houseplant.
  2. You will need to gently bend the stems and weave them through the trellis.
  3. To secure the vines you can place the ties around the stems to keep them in place. Make sure that you haven’t tied them too tightly.
  4. Now you can watch as your climber grows through the trellis.

Winter Care

The Mandevilla isn’t frost tolerant and during the winter it will require special care. The major issue is maintaining a warm temperature and making sure that the plant produces healthy growth during the cooler months.

First, you must keep the plant in temperatures between 55 to 60°F (12 to 15°C). Next, you should cut the stems down to about 10 inches (25cm) long.

The houseplant will also require less watering, and you shouldn’t fertilize it during autumn and winter.

Environment Conditions

Sun or Shade

The rocktrumpet prospers when grown in full sunlight, just like the Caladium plant. It should sit under bright sunlight for at least 6 hours a day.

A few species in this genus can tolerate partial shade, however, they won’t produce blooms. The more sunlight this houseplant receives, the more blooms it will sprout.

You will need to keep an eye on the plant during the summertime. The sun rays are extra harsh during this season and the plant’s foliage may become scorched when positioned under the bright, afternoon sunlight.

Best Soil

The best type of soil is one that is well-draining, sandy, and lightweight. The potting mixture should include some organic matter like compost. This will ensure that the plant isn’t deficient in any nutrients.

The houseplant also prefers a slightly acidic soil much like the Cyclamen plant. The optimal pH level is between 6.6 and 7.8.

A great potting mixture can be made by combining 2 parts of peat moss and 1 part of sandy soil.

Best Fertilizer

You must feed the houseplant once every two weeks during the spring and summertime. You don’t need to fertilize it during winter as it isn’t actively growing.

The best type of fertilizer is a liquid and well-balanced one that has been diluted to half its strength. You can opt for a fertilizer with a ratio of 20-20-20 or 10-20-20.

Top tip: You should avoid using a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, and instead you must make use of one that is high in phosphorus.

Pot Size and Type

A rocktrumpet prefers to be slightly pot-bound and only needs a container that is 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 – 3.8cm) wider than its rootball.

It will do well when grown in a plastic pot with drainage holes as this allows for the water to drain out. A plastic container also won’t dry out the soil too quickly.

What Is the Lowest Temperature It Can Tolerate?

The houseplant thrives in temperatures between 60 and 75°F (15.5 – 24°C). It’s important to make sure that the temperature never drops below 50°F (10°C) as the cold can kill your plant.

Humidity Level

The adequate humidity level is between 60 and 80 percent. The humidity level surrounding your plant should never drop below 50 percent.

You can maintain a humid environment by placing a humidifier near the plant or building a humidity tray. You can do this by filling a tray with lukewarm water, pebbles, and then placing the pot on top of these pebbles.

Top tip: You can further increase humidity levels by placing a bowl of room temperature water next to the houseplant.

Will It Survive Outside?

The Mandevilla does well when grown in warm, sunny, and humid environments. It’s a fairly hardy plant and can be left outdoors in USDA hardiness zones of 10 to 11. If you wish to grow it in your garden then there are a few care considerations that you must keep in mind.

First, if you live in a cool region then it’s imperative that you bring the plant indoors during the wintertime. Additionally, the plant must be placed under full sunlight. Its growth may become stunted when it is placed in a shady area.

The houseplant’s leaves will need to be misted several times a week in order to maintain a moist environment. You’ll also need to water it more often so that the soil doesn’t dry out.

Furthermore, you will need to fertilize the plant frequently as it still requires the necessary nutrients to produce lush growth and beautiful blooms.

Mandevilla - care, water, light, soil, pot, temperature, fertilizer (infographics)


The rocktrumpet is well-known for its absolutely gorgeous blooms. These trumpet-shaped flowers come in a variety of colors such as pink, red, and white.

The five-petal flower not only looks great but it smells good too. Many species in this genus sprouts flowers with a sweet scent.

You must be aware that an indoor Mandevilla will produce fewer blooms than one grown outdoors.

When and How Often Does It Bloom?

This houseplant will bloom once a year if it is cared for well during the winter. These flowers will sprout in either late spring or early summer.

How Long Do the Blooms Last?

It produces blooms that last for many months. Typically, its flowers will flourish throughout summer and autumn.

They will begin to die and wither away in mid- to late fall as the temperatures begin to drop.

How to Make It Bloom

There are a few ways to ensure that your houseplant blooms. You will have to take into account the amount of sunshine it receives, how often it is fed, as well as how many times you water it.

It is imperative that your plant soaks in plenty of sunlight. Ideally, it should bask under bright light for 8 hours a day. The more sunshine it receives, the more blooms it will produce.

The houseplant should also be fed regularly during its active growing seasons. The best type of fertilizer to use is one that’s low in nitrogen.

Another factor to consider is the amount of water it receives. The plant needs to be grown in a moist environment, so you’ll need to develop a watering schedule that maintains damp soil.

Why Isn’t It Blooming?

If your houseplant isn’t producing any of its vibrant blooms then it may be receiving inadequate care. We’ll fill you in on why it may not be flowering and what you’ll need to do to encourage blooms.

The Mandevilla thrives in a warm environment. If the environment becomes too cool then you’ll need to find a warmer home for your plant.  You can also achieve this by placing it under full sunshine too.

Another cause is improper watering. If it’s either over- or underwatered then your houseplant won’t sprout any flowers. You must water it so that the soil is neither soggy nor too dry.

This plant should also be fertilized well as it requires a decent amount of nutrients to produce blooms. You will need to ensure that you feed it during its active growing seasons.

A final consideration to keep in mind is the pot it’s grown in. If the container is too small then your houseplant won’t have enough space to produce new root growth. When the plant becomes rootbound, you must repot it as soon as possible.

How to Grow It

Are you in love with the Mandevilla and want to grow even more? Well, you can either propagate it or plant its seeds.

We’ll explain the process required to carry out each method below.


The rocktrumpet can be propagated in soil by either dividing its roots or planting a cutting. To enhance your chances of success, you should make use of peaty-based soil.

Additionally, each of the methods below should be carried out during the springtime. This way you won’t interrupt its blooms and the plant won’t become stressed.

How to Propagate It from Cuttings

Planting a cutting is by far one of the easiest ways to propagate a Mandevilla. All you have to do is snip off a healthy stem and plant it some fresh potting mixture.

Let’s take a look at the process below:

  1. First, you must sterilize your pruners or pair of scissors. This way you won’t be spreading any harmful bacteria.
  2. Now, you will need to choose a healthy stem to cut. Simply snip off a stem that is at least 3 inches (7.6cm) long.
  3. Pluck off the leaves attached to the lower half of the stem. There should be around 2 or 3 leaves attached to the top of the cutting.
  4. Dip the cut end in some rooting hormone. This will encourage your cutting to root and produce new growth.
  5. Fill a new container with fresh potting soil and plant the cutting. Make sure that it’s planted deep enough so that it won’t fall over.
  6. Water the cutting and place it under indirect sunlight.
  7. You will need to mist the cutting frequently so that the soil is moist.
  8. After 3 to 4 weeks the cutting will root, and then you can care for it as you would a mature plant.
  9. Once the stem cutting is large enough, you will need to repot it into a wider container.

Propagating by Root Division

Dividing the roots is a simple process to carry out. You will have to unpot the plant and slice its rootball into separate sections. This is a great alternative to repotting your plant as you won’t need to purchase a larger container.

Check out the steps here:

  1. Slide the plant out of its pot and dust off the excess soil surrounding the rootball.
  2. Before slicing the rootball, you will need to cut off any unhealthy roots.
  3. Now, you must cut the rootball in half. You should choose a logical area of division that won’t cause damage to the roots.
  4. Prepare a new pot and fill it one-third of the way with fresh potting soil.
  5. Plant the division and make sure to cover the roots.
  6. Water it well and find a sunny home for your new plant.
  7. It will root in 2 to 3 weeks, and then you can care for it as you did its mother plant.

How to Plant the Seeds

Planting the Mandevilla’s seeds is a straightforward process, and it should only take a month until new growth emerges.

You will need to use dried-out seeds. These are usually brown in color and can be purchased at your local nursery.

Follow the steps listed below:

  1. Before you plant the seeds you must soak them in room temperature water for 12 hours.
  2. Fill a tray with moistened, peaty-soil and scatter the seeds across the surface.
  3. Use some extra soil and lightly cover the seeds.
  4. Mist the seeds and place them under filtered sunlight.
  5. You must maintain a consistent temperature between 65 and 75° (18 – 24°C). Additionally, you must make sure that the soil never dries out.
  6. The seeds will germinate in about 4 to 6 weeks.
  7. When the seedlings produce 2 or 3 leaves, you can then repot them and treat them as you would an adult Mandevilla.

How to Revive It

Just like any other houseplant, when the rocktrumpet isn’t cared for well then it’ll run into a few health issues. The houseplant’s leaves may become yellow or brown, and the leaves will begin to drop rapidly if it isn’t grown in optimal conditions.

In this section, we will be going through what may be causing your plant to die and how to revive it.

Yellow Leaves

When its leaves begin to yellow the houseplant may be over- or underwatered and left in a cold environment.

To determine what the exact issue is, you must feel the soil. If it’s too wet then you’re overwatering it, however, when the top soil is very dry then it is being underwatered. You will then need to either refrain from watering it until the soil has dried out slightly or you must water it deeply.

The Mandevilla has to be grown in a warm area which may become difficult to achieve during the wintertime. You will need to find a warm room where it can bask under bright sunlight.

Brown Foliage

Its foliage will brown when the plant is watered improperly or stressed. All you will need to do is alter your care regime.

The houseplant must be grown in a moist environment that isn’t too damp or too dry. You must create a watering schedule that maintains damp soil. If the soil is too moist then simply allow it a few days to dry out. When the potting mixture is dry then give it a good drink.

This plant may become stressed when placed in a new environment or if it has just been repotted. You will have to give it some time to adjust to its new home. After a week or so, your houseplant will start to produce healthy growth again.

Leaf Drop

If you’ve noticed that its leaves are falling during its active growing seasons then there’s a problem. The plant may be grown in a cold room, lacking in nutrients, or watered incorrectly.

The rocktrumpet needs to be placed in a warm area such as by a bright windowsill. The temperature should never drop too low and you will need to pay extra attention during the wintertime.

It needs to be fed regularly to maintain a healthy appearance. Always remember to fertilize it during its active growing seasons so that it can direct energy to only new growth but maintain its healthy look too.

When the houseplant is over- or underwatered then its leaves may begin to fall off. You must tweak your watering regime so that the plant is kept in a moist environment without becoming waterlogged.


If you’re new to the wondrous world of houseplants then the Mandevilla may seem a tad daunting to care for. In fact, this houseplant isn’t too tough to grow as long as you create the best environment for it.

The major care aspect to keep in mind is the amount of sunshine it receives. If you want it to produce an abundance of beautiful flowers then make sure it’s positioned under full sunlight, fertilized regularly, and it must be watered well too.

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